2018 is in the rear-view mirror.
This time of year, is a season for reflection. Be healthy, save money, travel, stop a bad habit, or progress in your career, but everyone wants to do something different. Personally, I always seem to hit obstacles on approximately January 4th, and my idealistic year has morphed into a distant memory. Raise your hand (I CAN SEE YOU!) if your New Year Reso's have faced a similar demise, and ends up another statistic (just like me). Ya, I have typically been a BUSTER.
Until January 1, 2018. I had my most productive year and grew in almost every area of my life (except my belt size, finally), and literally only ONE (Uno for my Hispanic Speaking Readers) thing changed.
What did I do to FINALLY shed the Buster stigma that basically slept on my couch for decades?
I know the things you are saying/asking yourself: "Oh great here's an MLM pitch", "How did he have time and work a FT JOB", "Beat it, dude. If I wanted to read a self help blog I would check out Dr. Phil", I don't have resolutions because I always break them", "Wait...maybe I am also a buster". If these sound like you, that's because I was there. But help is on the way this year!
So, what' s the solution?!??!
How do we combat this? I don't know about you but I just want to give failure a stern throat-punch , but don' t know how. ORRRRRRRRR, maybe I just didn't care enough. Sounding familiar? I get it, dudes.
Ask yourself two questions; What have you tried? And how has it worked out for you? If both of those answers kind-of ruin your day (like they did mine), Think about if you reaaaaaaally cared about the "New Year, New You" or just the idea of it? The man looking back in the mirror at me is telling me that I just liked the "idea" of "New Year, New Me"
ANYWAYS! Back to how we can tangibly crush this year! I read 33 books that past year - I will post a list later ( or do you even care)- on topics like self-help, productivity, health and finances. I had found one major theme in all their coaching: Simplified Self Reflection.
WHAT IN TARNATION IS THAT?!?!? Ya, that's what I yelled while writing this, I know you yelled it too 😉 Here it is in short: WRITE. STUFF. DOWN
That's right. Simple one or two-word goals and reflections.
The Idea behind this is to create a daily, simple pattern of self-reflection. In theory, if you can write down 3 words of reflection and 3 goals every day; it will lead to accountability and productivity.
So, let's try this for the week. That' s it: JUST.ONE.WEEK. What are 3 words that described yesterday (last week/month/year)? And what are 3 words that are your goals for today (This week/month/year)?
Try it. Text it to yourself or snap-tweet it to your peeps if journaling is not your thing.
- Marc